Promote your business on a budget
I’ve been asking recently the questions you’d like answered around developing marketing in your business? Is it planning? How to decide your priorities? What to say to customers? What channels to use to promote your business to customers? Time, you never have enough of it? Budget? It always falls to the bottom of your to do list.
And two key points kept coming up time and budget. So, I’ve created my top 5 ways to work on marketing your business when you are short on both. However, you do need to know who your ideal client is before you even start. This way you’ll know the tone of voice to use and where and when you should be marketing your business and developing the products and services to meet their needs.
- Know your business objectives for the year and know what you’re wanting to achieve as this will allow you to focus on the key areas within your business and allow you to refine your messages
- Create a quarterly plan so you map out your product launches/events/key stories that you want your customers to hear about as this means that you won’t waste any time on activities that deviate from your objectives and plan.
- Focus your social media efforts on a maximum of two platforms and excel at these. Make sure that they are the platforms where your customers are.
- Create content that can be re-purposed throughout your communications channels from your website to social media and email marketing. Content should be useful to your customers and serve to answer their problems. Re-purposing means you can create one piece of content and it saves you time when you can use it in many ways.
- Schedule your social media. There are many platforms that allow you to batch your content and schedule to multiple channels. I use Meet Edgar as it is perfect for managing my evergreen content too. I also use this to manage my client’s social media channels too.
Your next steps are to set aside a couple of hours to create your plan and then you’ll need time to create and schedule your content.
If you’re still short on time get in touch and we can discuss my introductory package